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The purpose of Essential Artists Dayton is to increase awareness, visibility and sales for the visual artists of the Miami Valley. 


Whether you are a corporate buyer looking to acquire art for a new or existing building, a business or government official looking to exhibit art or an individual looking to add to your art collection or give art as a gift, Essential Artists Dayton is your local art connection.

  • Connecting Artists, Buyers, and Art Appreciators through our online Artist Directory as well as our monthly calendar of visual art happenings in the Miami Valley

  • Connecting Corporate and Institutional Buyers with local Artists through our “Buy Local Art” program

  • Connecting Businesses, Property Managers, Restaurants, Coffee Shops, Retailers, Public Venues etc. with local Artists through our “Show Local Art” program

  • Connecting Local Artists with art buyers and exhibitors though our FREE Artist Directory. 


Here’s what we’re working on:

  • There should be art in public spaces. We’re talking to the airport.

  • It would be wonderful to borrow a painting or sculpture just like you check out a book.  We’re talking to the library.

  • Local art in apartment buildings and corporate spaces makes sense from business, creative and community perspectives.  We’re talking to architects, developers and property managers.

  • You’re just a click away from an online directory of artists.  Click the “Find an Artist” button.

  • We want you to know what is happening in the world of visual arts. So we have an Art Around Town calendar.

  • We are collecting ideas for places around town to place art.  If you know of a coffee shop, bookstore, restaurant or retailer that would benefit from displaying local art,we want to hear from you. Click the “Connect” button.



Become part of the Essential Artists Dayton community. Here are five things you can do today to help promote your practice and support the vibrant community of artists that call the Miami Valley home:

  1. Join our directory. It is FREE. Click here to set up your profile.

  2. After you join, add and link the “Member of Essential Artists Dayton” logo to your website. You can download the logo here.

  3. Promote on Social Media. We are @essentialartistsdayton on Instagram and Facebook.

  4. Personally advocate for Essential Artists Dayton when talking with  someone who could benefit from having art on their walls, like a restaurant owner, building owner or corporate leader. 

  5. Join the action team and help us explore how we make Essential Artists Dayton as impactful as possible. Click the “Connect” button to get in touch.

Essential Artists is a Collaboration Between

The Dayton Collaboratory Logo
Code For Dayton Logo

In Partnership With


Logo design by Misty Thomas-Trout

©2024 by Essential Artists. 

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