Alisa H. Workman
Alisa H. Workman has had a love for nature and gardening all of her life. As a young child, she remembers pulling the marigold blooms off of the flowers in her grandmother’s garden. She started out creating mosaic pots and birdbaths, painted garden pots, and other art installations for the garden. In the summer of 2015 she picked up a paintbrush and brought her love of flowers to the canvas.
Alisa has been a Dayton, Ohio area resident most of her life. She is a graduate of Wright State University earning a BS in Geology with a specialty in Crystallography. Her career has included working in a bioacoustics lab and a 15 year stint as a stay-at-home mom. Since 1998 she has worked at The Miami Valley School and currently is a full time preschool art teacher at the Soin Early Childhood School at MVS.
Her paintings have been exhibited in the Dayton, Cincinnati, and Columbus areas of Ohio. Her work can be found in collections throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe.
Her love of nature, art, and science are translated into acrylic paintings of bold flowers and vibrant splashes of color. Each and every painting tells a story.
I dabbled at the edge of the art pool for years ... mixed media collages, painted garden pots, colorful tiled garden hardscape installations.
The work that I consider my first completed painting, my frightening leap into the deep end of the pool, is SURVIVE. It was done in 2017, in the first art workshop that I attended. It was begun a year after my mother's death and my sister's suicide. It was completed after my husband's cancer diagnosis.
Life is filled with happiness and sadness. I choose to focus on the sadness and to turn that darkness into something bright and wonderful and happy. Vibrant colors energize and excite. I LOVE color.
Inspired by all that surrounds me, I paint lightly abstract floral works ... renderings of bold flowers with rich splashes of color.

She Likes to Drink a Bottled Frappuccino Every Day Before Noon
Acrylic on Canvas